온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 14 Oct 2019


(한글자막) 팀켈러 시편 11 묵상: 어려움의 때에 주님을 신뢰하기 (Trusting God in Difficult Times: Psalm 11 by Tim Keller)
26 May 2021
(한글자막) 팀켈러 시편 11 묵상: 어려움의 때에 주님을 신뢰하기 (Trusting God in Difficult Times: Psalm 11 by Tim Keller)
온맘 큐레이터 · 15 시청

A Person Living In Difficult Situations - Mothers Day - Ralph Douglas West

30 시청

A Person Living in Difficult Situations is an insightful message about life's obstacles. In this message Pastor West teaches us that although we have plans, sometimes God has another plan for our life and when we surrender to His will, His plans and purposes can be fulfilled. This Mother's Day message, which is taken from Genesis 29, is not just for Mothers, but for everyone who is interested in knowing God's will for their life.

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(한글자막) 팀켈러 시편 11 묵상: 어려움의 때에 주님을 신뢰하기 (Trusting God in Difficult Times: Psalm 11 by Tim Keller)
26 May 2021
(한글자막) 팀켈러 시편 11 묵상: 어려움의 때에 주님을 신뢰하기 (Trusting God in Difficult Times: Psalm 11 by Tim Keller)
온맘 큐레이터 · 15 시청