온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 09 Sep 2019


팀 켈러_각개 사역이 아니라 연합 운동을 하라 (Reaching Your City with the Gospel)
23 Aug 2023
팀 켈러_각개 사역이 아니라 연합 운동을 하라 (Reaching Your City with the Gospel)
온맘 큐레이터 · 5 시청

The Gospel, the Church and the World – Timothy Keller [Sermon]

35 시청

Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: The church is described as "living stones" to represent it as a deeply interconnected community. We must neither give into culture nor withdraw from culture, but maintain our beliefs while engaging and serving the world. The power to maintain this balance comes from being secure in Christ and united as a church body, with him as our cornerstone.

Download or gift the sermon on MP3 for free: http://www.gospelinlife.com/th....e-gospel-the-church-

View the series: http://www.gospelinlife.com/the-vision-of-redeemer

This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on November 20, 2005.

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팀 켈러_각개 사역이 아니라 연합 운동을 하라 (Reaching Your City with the Gospel)
23 Aug 2023
팀 켈러_각개 사역이 아니라 연합 운동을 하라 (Reaching Your City with the Gospel)
온맘 큐레이터 · 5 시청