온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 26 Feb 2020


(한글자막) 팀켈러 - 예수님의 죽음, 친구로서의 희생 Jesus’s Death As an Act of Friendship by Tim Keller
22 Jun 2022
(한글자막) 팀켈러 - 예수님의 죽음, 친구로서의 희생 Jesus’s Death As an Act of Friendship by Tim Keller
온맘 큐레이터 · 47 시청

Tim Keller: How You Know You’re Born Again

15 시청

“The way you know you’re born again is both your mind is illumined and your heart is moved and spiritual truth you might have heard before but didn’t make sense to your mind or didn't touch you heart now does.”

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(한글자막) 팀켈러 - 예수님의 죽음, 친구로서의 희생 Jesus’s Death As an Act of Friendship by Tim Keller
22 Jun 2022
(한글자막) 팀켈러 - 예수님의 죽음, 친구로서의 희생 Jesus’s Death As an Act of Friendship by Tim Keller
온맘 큐레이터 · 47 시청