온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 17 Sep 2019


한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청

You're Not The Boss Of Me, Part 1: From the Heart // Andy Stanley

22 시청

I can’t believe I said that. Why did I do that? Where did that come from? Emotions can get the best of us. If we’re not careful, things like anger, lust, greed, fear, and envy can shape our actions much more than we want them to. Monitoring our behavior is not enough. We need to monitor our hearts.

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한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청