온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 17 Sep 2019


한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청

You're Not The Boss Of Me, Part 6: Undercover Boss // Andy Stanley

10 시청

When we see someone we care about make bad decisions, we can either confront them about it or hope someone else does. Many times we opt for the latter, under the guise of being kind, not wanting to interfere, or waiting for them to ask for our input. But we should ask ourselves: are we really being kind, or are we letting fear, discomfort, or indifference be the boss of us?

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한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청